Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 1 - 30 Day Shred

I received Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and Jillian's Shred-It With Weights (Kettlebell) DVDs as gifts for my birthday (because I asked for work out DVDs, hopefully not because my sister thought I really needed it haha). I at first decided to give it a try as a shorter workout during the week when I didn't have time to go to the gym and didn't feel like walking out in the cold to go to the gym. Little did I know I was in for a pleasant (and painful) surprise. The workout might only be 20 minutes but it kicks your butt! There are 3 levels and each Level has a 3 circuit workout - 3 minutes of Strength - 2 minutes of Cardio - 1 min of Abs and is repeated 3 times.

So I did Level 1 four times in my first week, then it was my birthday so I took a day off. And then I took a week off, isn't that the way it goes? But I was so disappointed in how well I got back into the groove of working out and then completely failed the next week that I have decided to actually DO the 30 day shred for the next month!

Anyway, let's talk about Day 1 (getting back into it). Since I did the workout a couple weeks before I knew what to expect and thought it couldn't be THAT bad since I would be using the same moves/muscles. Nope, I was wrong. It still kicked my butt and almost felt worse than my VERY FIRST first day.

I pushed through it and felt very sore (I think it was because of already doing the same workout 4 times before and taking too long of a break). For most others I would say Day 1, Level 1 will be tough, but you won't feel too sore. Definitely sore, but not unbearable. Tomorrow I will let you know more about Day 2, which I will be doing tonight. Definitely still going to be on Level 1!

Here are some of my pictures this morning (after Day 1). I will try to update the photos every few days and hopefully show some results.

I am mostly using this as a way to jump start my workout routine in 2013, I used to be a hardcore runner and gym enthusiast, but 2012 did not go well for me, both in working out or in eating as healthy as I should.  I want to get back into shape and have the shape I had when I felt my healthiest (about 2 years ago). 

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